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All beautifull after Church servive
Beautifull ...Beautiful...Beautifull..
Bebby and Juli
Benilda, Amalia, Gilberto and Papy Holder
Buffet Line at the Brunch...
Charlie Blades, Reynaldo and Gloria Jean
Cynthia and Sheila desert-ing
Delia Johnson and Mom Bernice
Dorothy Martin, Delia and Mom
Elena, Alegria, Linda, Bea and Eric
Ellen and Ray
Felicia and Clay
Felicia, Clay and Verne
Felicia, Karl, Verne and Sonya
Fred and Junette
Jerry, Jos and Sybil
Gina, Sheila, Roberto and Federica
Gloria, Reynaldo and Junette
Jackie, Mia and Bebby
Jean, Sheila, Roberto and Federica
Joe and Sheila
John T and guest
Karl, Gina, Sheila, Roberto and Federica
Karl, Jean, Sheila, Roberto and Federica
La Presidenta Gloria
Lovely, Lovely. Ruth and Yvonne
L to R Marvin, Rico, Ricardo, Sonia, Connie, Melvin and Elena
Marva Edghill
Phyliss, Sarah, Dorothy and Delia's mom
Ready for brunch. Juliet and Ellen
Roberto and Nena
Roberto, Nena and Flattop
Ruth Ferraro Tatum
Ruth, Yvonne, Joe and Juliet
Sarah and Phyliss
Silvia Mullins
Silvia Murdock, Carol, Silvia Mullins, Shery and Yvonne
Smile you're on Candid Camera...
The Holders Holding on...
Yvonne, Bas...Grace before we eat
Yvonne, Mi Bon Bon
Yvonne, Julet, Ellen and Chandler